Detail® Herbicide
Detail® Herbicide is a new herbicide for industrial bareground sites, utility substations, roadsides, railroads, utility rights-of-way and forestry sites. Featuring a new mode of action that inhibits the production of an enzyme in plants, Detail® speeds the burn-down of existing weeds without disrupting translocation to the roots. As a tank-mix partner, Detail® controls existing weeds that have developed a resistance to other commonly used herbicides and provides excellent broadleaf control (at 1 oz. to 2 oz. per acre).
Detail® can be tank-mixed with many other commonly used products, including Arsenal, Frequency, Overdrive, Plateau, glyphosate and phenoxy herbicides to greatly improve the spectrum of control you need. Detail® is non-volatile, has limited mobility in the soil, and shows no antagonism with slow-acting ALS chemistry.
Detail® offers effective control of a variety of weeds including:
A complete list of weeds controlled can be found on the Detail® product label. Always read and follow label directions.
Application Guidelines
Please refer to the Detail® product label for complete application information. For more information about putting our products to work for you, contact your nearest BASF BetterVM distributor or call 1-800-327-4645
Always read and follow label directions.