Chopper® GEN 2
For years, landowners, consultants and applicators have gotten industry-leading performance from Chopper® herbicide. Now, you can upgrade to something even better: Chopper® GEN2. Utilizing Transport Technology, a BASF exclusive, Chopper® GEN2 allows more of the active ingredient to get into the plant without decreasing control. This means Chopper® GEN2 delivers the same superior, long-term control of unwanted grasses, weeds, vines and hardwoods you expect, but at a lower cost per acre.
Reports show herbicides deliver site preparation that's 60% the cost of intensive mechanical methods.1 And the powerful chemistry of Chopper GEN2® with Transport Technology improves upon those
herbicides reported, accelerating protein blockage in targeted species, leading to faster, more consistent control up front and more effective long-term control.
Release treatments are especially important on land that didn't receive proper site preparation, an early release treatment or on thinned sites with re-invading hardwoods. An understory mid-rotation release treatment with Chopper GEN2® helps eliminate hardwood brush and allows established pines access to more nutrients, root space and sunlight, which in turn improves long-term growth rates. Based on one economic projection, mid-rotation release on a 10-year-old pine stand provided a real annual rate of return of 11.2 percent in 15 years.2 In addition, studies also show improved release of wildlife-preferred forage with Chopper GEN2®.
Chopper GEN2 is more rainfast than any other similar herbicide in the industry. In addition, Chopper GEN2® can be applied from full leaf-out in spring – when applicators and equipment are most readily available – all the way through leaf-drop in the fall.* Studies show Chopper GEN2® can help improve wildlife habitat and biodiversity, too. When sunlight is able to reach the forest floor, wildlife-preferred food sources like blackberry, forbs and legumes flourish. Chopper GEN2®, which binds with an enzyme found only in plants (not in people, mammals, birds, fish or insects), helps promote the growth and re-colonization of the desirable, native plants that provide forage and enhance wildlife habitat.
1 M. Smidt, M.R. Dubois, B. Da Silveira Folegatti. 2005. “Costs and Cost Trends for Forestry Practices in the South.” Forest Landowner Volume 64 Number 2.
2 Caulfield, J.P., B.D. Shiver, L.V. Pienaar and H.E. Quicke. 1999. “Estimating financial returns from mid-rotation release in coastal plain loblolly pine plantations.” Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 23(2):94-99.
*Before June 15 use 2.5% MSO – see guarantee.
A complete list of weeds controlled can be found on the Chopper GEN2® product label.
Please refer to the Chopper GEN2® product label for complete application information. For more information about putting our products and programs to work for you, contact your nearest BASF BetterVM sales specialist or call 1-800-327-4645
Always read and follow label directions.