Arsenal® Herbicide

When it comes to controlling unwanted brush, traditional mechanical methods don't really cut it. Re-sprouts and increased stem densities lead to more mowing – and more costs. But a herbicide-based program with Arsenal controls a broad spectrum of brush species and helps reduce costs. Arsenal® prevents re-sprouting, eliminates re-treats and saves money on treatment and labor. And, because Arsenal® is a low-volume herbicide, it helps manage public concerns and wildlife habitats as well.

Downloads and Resources

Labels, SDS and State Availability

Key Weeds Controlled

Because Arsenal® is a low-volume herbicide, it helps manage public concerns and wildlife habitats as well. It's effective against problem species such as:

  • cogon grass
  • honeysuckle
  • Japanese bamboo
  • multiflora rose
  • privet
  • reed canary grass
  • Russian and autumn olive
  • saltcedar
  • sweet gum
  • tree of heaven

A complete list of weeds controlled can be found on the Arsenal® product label. Always read and follow label directions.

Application Directions

Please refer to the Arsenal® product label for complete application information. For more information about putting our products and programs to work for you, contact your nearest BASF BetterVM sales specialist or call 1-800-327-4645

Always read and follow label directions.