Arsenal® Herbicide Applicators Concentrate

In 2012, Arsenal® Herbicide Applicators Concentrate received registration for all terrestrial industrial and aquatic uses. Arsenal® Herbicide Applicators Concentrate now brings the proven ability to control unwanted vegetation in all terrestrial forestry and industrial sites along with aquatic sites all in one product. Arsenal® Herbicide Applicators Concentrate is the product for all your vegetation control needs.

Key Weeds Controlled

Because Arsenal® Herbicide Applicators Concentrate is a low-volume herbicide, it helps manage public concerns, wildlife habitats and aquatic sites as well. It’s effective against problem species such as:   


  • cogon grass

  • honeysuckle

  • Japanese bamboo

  • multiflora rose

  • privet

  • reed canary grass

  • Russian and autumn olive

  • saltcedar

  • sweet gum

  • tree of heaven
  • alligator weed

  • arundo donax

  • cattail

  • parrot feather

  • phragmites

  • purple loosestrife

  • spartina

  • water hyacinth

  • water primrose

A complete list of weeds controlled can be found on the Arsenal® Herbicide Applicators Concentrate product label. Always read and follow label directions.

Application Guidelines

Please refer to the Arsenal® Herbicide Applicators Concentrate product label for complete application information. For more information about putting our products and programs to work for you, contact your nearest BASF BetterVM sales specialist or call 1-800-545-9525.

Always read and follow label directions.

Downloads and Resources

Labels, SDS and State Availability